Friday, August 16, 2019


Malo soifua maua ma le lagi mama!

another miracle filled week covering Tafuna and Nuuuli!! we have truly been able to see how the Lord multiples our efforts!! it is so cool i am in awwwe and so grateful!! so many exciting things are going on my heart is always full with so much love for these beautiful Samoan people!! For this month so far we have 6 wonderful people either already baptized or preparing for baptism. i have never prayed so hard in all my life for the welfare of these souls, my friends! that they will be able to gain a testimony and experiences so strong they will be able to endure to the end!!! 

Selesitina and Losa (a mother and a daughter) got baptized this Saturday! They loved it and are so strong! i love hearing them talk bout it and bear their testimonies!!!   The members are so great with them too i am so grateful!!!

i love you all so much!! 
_sister hymas_ 

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Whats up family!


wow wow wow! being a missionary is unlike anything else! what a blessing what an adventure i am so grateful!!! this week was yet another amazing week! we are preparing our two friends Delton and Ali for baptism this Saturday!! they are doing great!!! and we were asked to sing again at it haha YAY!!!! 

We FINALLY had Tekridge, Isara, Fou, and Losa come to church!! and let me tell you they loved it!!!! soo much!! Tekridge and Isara got a blessing to help them stop smoking and it was so spiritually cool! and Fou and Losa the next visit we had with them after them came to church!! was one of the coolest visits I have ever had!! i will never forget it! my soa and I just left with the hugest smiles on our faces we were speechless! this visit man there is too much to say about it! they are on a spiritual high I felt like they were teaching us! haha Losa first thing shes says is "okaaaayy whens the baptism.?... because I am ready!!" and she was like " oh wait first lets start with a prayer... i willl say it." and them Fou was sharing with us what she loved from her reading (they are both already in 2 Nephi 11) she was like in her own words " please if we could all turn to 2 nephi chapter 10 versus 25 and in this scripture there are 3 parts the first is talking about physical death separation from the body and spirit and the second part is spiritual death separation for the presence of God and the third is about how we must praise God always!!" and then she jumps to 2 nephi 11:7 and has Losa read it and after she does she gets so excited and goes like " WOOOOw that is so good!! thats my favorite scripture!!" and quickly highlights it! i was blown away these too are on fire and cant wait to come to church again!!!! 

we also had another sister with us for 2 days and we coverd her area with her too Tafuna!! we have been all over haha!!! 

Zone conference happened and that was awesome!! we talked a lot about purpose and how everything we do has a purpose! it was great and I challenge you all to do that in your own life right now!! look at the things you do and ask yourself what is the purpose behind the things you do and are they truly helping you get to where you want to be? (living with your Heavenly Father again together with your family and loved ones) and try to fill your days with things that have more of a purpose rather then just filling time or things that truly don't matter! life is short and the more time we spend doing things that truly matter, not only the happier we will be, but the more blessings, benefits, and rewards we will receive.

Alofa tele atu,
Sister Hymas

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Tele Vavega!!!!

this week was greattt and probably one of the most busiest and cool weeks leaving us absolutely exhausted at the end of each day! haha! and this week was filled with miracles!! So grateful and blessed...iam just going to try my best to write as much as I can:
First off, two of our friends accepted baptism this week Suesue and Ropati! it was awesome and i am excited to help teach them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And we also have some friends we plan on inviting this week that we feel very excited for!! Also, guess what!??! hard work really does pay off...we had 10 people come to church this past sunday!!!!! for our 3 wards!! IT was crazy awesome!! and they were truly miracles...for example: we have this friend named Toalua who we have been teaching and its been great, but every time we go and her mom is at the house (her moms name is Mataniu) its awkward and uncomfortable because she is not very nice to us at all. she was very short and grumpy with us and sometimes sent us away with out even being able to talk to toalua and we never went inside the house she always named us sit our under the tree with on this past saturday we went and toalua was doing yard work and the mom was outside watching and we were like oh no...BUt when she saw us she grabbed some more chairs and set it up so we could sit with her and we were like oh okay... and then she goes on to tell us how she hasn't been to church (shes cathloic) in a very long time i think it was like 10 years and how she's just been kind of angry and sad for awhile and been praying to God for help and then she said she realized one night while praying "what if these missionaries are angels that God is sending to me and they come everyday everyday rain or hot sun and I just keep sending them away and being mean" she prayed for forgiveness and told us she will listen to what we have to say!!! aHHH it was so a blessing that had nothing to do with us only her faith! and we invited her to chuch and she came with toalua and her other two daughters and toaluas kids!! 
Also, our friend mua finally came to church and she loved it!! and the ward members where so nice to her nad there was a fireside sunday night and muas husband came and had a good time and wants to talk with us when he is not working. 
Also, we are teaching this lady named faatima who has already been coiming to church for a while and we started talking to her mom named Aitasi (and shes is kind of like Mataniu hasnt been to church in awhile except for she let us in and we have had some really cool spiritul talks with her) and we invited her to church adn prayed taht she would come and she did!! and then it just gets cooler haha just yesterday when we were at Matanius house we told her we were going to our next apt with a lady named aitast that lives in vilimaa and she was like "Aitasi? that is my little sister!" haha it turns out that these sisters had a change of heart and both came to church on the same sunday just different wards and they didn't even know that the other one was talking with us too haha!! 
Also, I want to say the importance of members before mua came to churhc we were trying to do everythhing to ensure that she would come this week so we invited Apu a member to come with us for a lesson! and it was unforgettable the spirit was so strong as apu began to share some of her life experience with mua and then mua was going through something so similar and they both were crying together and strengthening eachothers testimonies! so cool I just remember sitting there thinking I am never going to forget this moment! and how important members are in the work!! 
WOw okay that was long haha! I am so grateful and find myself on my knees at the end of each day for quite some time thanking my Heavenly Father for this wonderful opportunity! 
Well thank you for listening! I hope you all have a great week and I love you all so much!!!!
-Sister Hymas
You are all awesome!!! 

Hello everybody!!

It has been such a crazy good week!! So many amazing experiences and tender mercies! God is good always! I am just going to bullet point some of these amazing things:

We have a baptism for these four cute kiddos this weekend! they are fun and funny! excited for them! ❤

Heavenly Father is seriously answering our prays and protecting us with the whole dog situation. we have gotten ourselves into what we would say some pretty doggie situations. For example, cornered in on all three sides by dogs, dogs randomly chasing after us on the other side of the road But both of these times in the exact moment of crisis a car pulled up and was like hey sisters do you need a ride? and we were like umm yes please and ran in haha! also, we will walk by dogs and pray nothing happens and we are safe and then someone else will walk by the same dog and get ferociously barked at haha! We literally say little prays of gratitude all the time!! And thank you for all your prays too keep them coming faamolemole haha   

We met this new friend George a week or so ago! He is married to this member Apu who is coming back into activity  and they have a baby boy! Honestly the cutest couple ever anyways long story short George received an answer to a very honest pray about if the Book of Mormon is true that he snuck in the bathroom to be alone haha and he came out crying! It was so awesome when he told us about this happening he was as light as a feather literally skipping with joy as he walked haha! He is getting baptized on the 16th! such a blessing! apu and him have stayed up until 2 am beacuse he doesnt want to stop reading the Book of Mormon and my soa and I have been some bystanders of some very cute and special moments between the two of them! the Spirit in their home is off the charts! So happy and feel extremely blessed! 

we have also been yelled at for knocking on someones soa cried as she was apologizing haha moments like these I am glad I am just a little palagi and dont know what is going on sometimes haha... yikes

Also one of the new friends we have recently found named Mua prayed about the Book of Mormon the very first time we invited her too haha it was great! I didnt know how to reply because I am so used to having to invite them again and help them take that step! yeah and she just gave birth to her first baby girl yesterday!! 

Yeah! well I love you guys allll so much!!! Thank you for everything!!!
Sister Hymas the 2nd

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


hello everyone! how is it going?! 

This has been such a long week and a lot has happened! First off, we got transferred me and my soa (sister Feagiai) to Lotopa, Pesega!!!! Yay I get to whitewash again so fun! We cover two wards Lotopa and Pesega 6 and our area is a lot bigger than Malie haha yeah!! But, more people have cars here so we will be getting rides hopefully! Lotopa is right next to town (Apia), the mission home, the temple, and an amazing family history center!! Everything and all the resources are right here. it is going to be great and I am so excited to use it for our friends! Lotopa is a lot more up to date than anywhere else i have served on my mission so far. There are legit houses here with gates and some even have pools, and multiple cars etc haha we actually have to go knocking on doors haha...I was so confused never had to do that before haha. I am just used to shouting people down cause I can see them right there in their house haha! Its been interesting and more normal i guess. Anyways the wards here are fantastic and I can already feel the members and there willingness to help with the work! And they have organized ward council and meetings that we have already been apart of yay! 

Also, my uncle Ben is from Lotopa and I got to meet some of his family which was absolutely awesome! His uncle and aunt Rita and Robert are wonderful my soa and I already love them so much that we consider them our own grandparents now haha and they have given us a lot of new fruit to fruit and lychee. I also met his brother Mohonri and his family! they are awesome and his rugby academy is so cool. he has a two story house and the whole bottom floor is  a gym :o i love it! and they have a very nice house up top with a/c haha I can't wait to get to know them more!        

Okay and now for the greatest news of all Tamasipani was baptized!! our wonderful friend in Malie! We were so happy for him, unfortunately we got transferred two days before the baptism so we weren't able to attend. But, a wonderful tender mercy happened and we saw Tamasipani's parents drive through our new area and we waved them down and they told us it went great and that the whole family went and went to church that sunday (the parents are veryyy inactive) and that his brother wants to get baptized too! ðŸ’›  

Also, our new house is right across the temple so every morning we we walk out for the day we walk right towards the temple and its gives me so much motivation and peace and then every night and during our studies we see it right there through our windows. The best!! Better than an ocean view!

oh also, I have only had to sleep on the floor a few times on my mission, but in our new house only one of the wooded bed frames had a little cushion pad so I've been sleeping on the wooded bed frame thing haha i will be getting the little cushion pad today! but it has been surprisingly comfortable either that our i am just very tired and could sleep on anything! 

yep this has been fun and long! thank you for all you support and prayers! and a thought I just want to leave with you all is something that I have learned through a lot of different experiences on my mission thus far. and it is to never give into, or listen to, or let things that happen to you...control you and your thoughts and attitude. hopefully that made sense but it is important to realize that the only ones that can truly hold us back is ourselves. its time we say no to the negative, the insecurities, the pain and take control of our lives. And I know this is easier said than done, but i also know that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, prayer, and the Love of God it is possible. We are all children of God. We are all beautiful. We are all smart and fun! We are all loved! I promise you all this and know it to be true! 

-Sister Hymas alofa atu

Thursday, January 10, 2019

alofa atu!

maloooo aiga!! 

how is everyone doing?! I am doing great and super excited for the wonderful year of 2019 it is going to be amazing!! 

everyday is a wonderful gift here in Samoa!! my soa and i learned recently that i am slowly getting to that point where i cant english anymore haha i cant spell sometimes in english haha!! Its been nice and cool lately because of all the wind and rain! our laundry is never going to dry! haha 

this week my wonderful trainee gave out her first ever baptismal invitation to our friend Tamasipani (he is 16 years old)  and he said yes!! and was so excited about it! everytime we teach him the Spirit is so strong and he is so open about the way he is feeling and I love seeing that as he is learning more about the Spirit and the gospel!! Also, this is the first time that I have taught someone in english! haha he understands Samoan and English perfectly but he always speaks english to us in our lessons so we just teach in english haha  its fun!

oh also my soa got bit by a dog...that was scary. she didnt bend down and grab a rock! i felt so bad for her. But shes okay it wasn't that bad! keep us in your prays haha sos 

Alofa atu mo outou!!
-Sister Hymas 

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Manuia le Kerisimasi!!

Merry Christmas family and friends!!!! 

I love you all so much and hope this day is awesome! Just enjoy your family and friends and remember the true meaning of Christmas! Our Savior! He is the reason for our happiness and love and through Him and His Atonement this life becomes so joyful! I am so grateful that I get to share the message of the Savior the greatest gift everyday! YAY! 

For Christmas I have been able to sing in Apias Pesega, play Mary in the manger, share the Lords gospel of course, have a Christmas party get together with all the missionaries on Upolu, and skype my FAMILY!! I love my family so much and was so happy to skype them it gave me more motivation to continue to work hard out here and put in more effort! They're my team cheering me on as you all are and I am so grateful!! Thank you! 

Make sure to get on your knees tonight and thank the Lord for all your many blessings as you are filled with the Spirit of Christmas today!!! 

Alofa atu
-----Sister Hymas